The Dreamcatcher

High school is rarely easy, especially if you’re a tall, somewhat gangly Native American girl like Kai Tiva. Add a sprinkle of shyness, a dash of athletic prowess, an above-average IQ, and some bizarre history that places her in the guardianship of her aunt…and normal high school life is only an illusion.

Kai’s struggles come to a head when she is summoned to the principal’s office for punching out a classmate. Running into Riley Beth James is just a bonus on a particularly crappy day.

Riley is the attractive girl-next-door-type whom everyone likes. Though a fairly good student, an emerging choral star, and wildly popular, she knows she’ll never live up to her older sister’s achievements. She makes up for it with bravery, kindness, and a brash can-do attitude. Though called to the office to meet a reporter and not for any disciplinary action, Riley admires Kai’s courage to stand up to the class bully.

Their odd matchup is strengthened by curiosity, compassion, humor, and all the drama of typical teenage life. But their experiences go beyond the normal teen angst; theirs is compounded by a curiously strong attraction to each other, and an emerging, insidious danger related to the mysterious death of Kai’s father.

Their burgeoning friendship is tested as they navigate these risky waters, but the powerful bond between them has been forged through many past lives. Though not fully understanding the challenges—or even remotely prepared to take them on—Kai and Riley realize they must adapt quickly to this new reality because this time, the outcome will affect the next generation of Kai’s people.

Sapphire Books~Ebook             Paperback